Hair dye use during chemotherapy

Hair dye use during chemotherapy
Hair dye use during chemotherapy
Is it safe to use hair dyes concurrently with chemotherapy?

Is it safe to use hair dyes concurrently with chemotherapy? I always heard it was contraindicated, but I have not read any research on the subject. —Connie Flood, RN, OCN

Whether hair dyes might raise cancer risk is not yet clear, and most studies to date have not found a significant link. Currently, no specific medical advice is suggested for current or those who previously used hair dye, so the decision to initiate or to continue hair dye use involves an in-depth discussion of the risks versus benefit between the patient and the provider before a final decision can be made. —Abimbola Farinde, PharmD, MS, BCPP, CGP, LCDC, PM/PRC, FASCP, FACA, FNAP, Rsi, ARSPharmS