Pandemic-Related Effects on Nurses and Nursing: What Lies Ahead?

Solutions From the Field

Improving pay and staffing levels could help alleviate some of the challenges, as 97% of participants “agreed,” with 81% responding “completely agreed,” that pay increases and other incentives would attract and retain nurses.

The majority of nurses (85%) strongly believed national licensure, which would allow nurses to practice across state lines, would have greatly benefited the country during the pandemic.

Oncology nurses need to be able to step away and enjoy some quality time for themselves and to be with family. This helps to prevent the compassion fatigue that commonly occurs. Dr George emphasizes that nurses need to prioritize their well-being and set aside time for self-care.

“As a manager, I had to weigh the importance of time-off against the staffing concerns. Ultimately, due to the increased stress of the pandemic, allowing staff to have time off became imperative,” said Ms Hornsby.

Goals for Nursing Leadership

Staffing shortages continue to be a concern for all healthcare settings, and it will not be changing in the near future. Oncology nursing leaders now are being forced to be innovative to overcome the growing hurdles.

“Nurses across the United States are delivering exceptional care in extraordinary times. But there is an urgent need for oncology nursing leaders to step up, assess, and improve their work environments to retain high-quality nurses and assure patients receive the best cancer care possible,” said Dr Friese.

These findings have serious implications for patients and the nursing workforce, Dr George pointed out, noting that “all nurses, healthcare facilities, decision makers, and other stakeholders should care about these findings.”

“I personally feel that the way to combat the nursing shortage is to be more creative in recruiting and retention. Leaders need to invest in the nurses they have and provide support and growth to the new ones entering the workforce,” commented Ms Hornsby.

“Our younger nurses are looking for a better work-life balance. As leaders, we need to think outside the box and look for innovative ways to hire, train, and schedule staff to meet this need.”


Florida Atlantic University. New survey unveils significant impact of COVID-19 on the future of nursing [news release]. Newswise. Published December 1, 2020. Accessed February 3, 2022.