Preclinical studies suggested that statins inhibit cancer development, but a new study found that statins may actually increase the risk of precancerous lesions.
The World Community Grid (WCG) is currently using donated computer time to better understand how to treat cancer using protein X-ray crystallography and by finding novel drugs to treat childhood cancers.
A review published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that current cancer screening methods and other procedures contribute to substantial overdiagnosis.
The advisor forum answers questions about anemia, nurse navigators, chemotherapy-associated rashes, and more.
Oncology nurses involved in clinical trials must understand the basics of cancer research and their practice’s studies.
CancerCare has partnered with the Melanoma Research Foundation to launch The Melanoma Helpline, which helps people diagnosed with melanoma to access resources and support.
The author summarizes the uses of methadone for cancer pain and olanzapine for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.