A review of geriatric assessment tools and their role in assessing older patients with cancer before and after treatment.
Changes to abortion laws in the US could have unintended consequences for cancer patients and others seeking fertility preservation.
This review article discusses how cancer care may cause survivors of sexual trauma to re-experience their trauma and offers tips on how to mitigate this potential.
Experts discuss current and potential future shortages affecting the oncology field as well as strategies for preventing and managing shortages.
A patient case highlights the need to ensure that patients and their families understand the distinction between the roles of the patient and the “decision maker,” as they pertain to end-of-life care decisions.
Acupuncture and moxibustion, which are sometimes used together, have shown promise in reducing insomnia in patients with cancer.
Dr Jeffery J. Auletta, from NMDP/Be The Match, reviews data on mismatched unrelated donor transplants in a diverse population of patients with hematologic malignancies.
Researchers sought to determine the effectiveness of using electronic health record prompts to assess patients for smoking, desire to quit, and access to smoking cessation programs.
Ransomware attacks now account for 25% of all data breaches, according to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigation Report.
A breast cancer survivor describes her experience with a little-discussed side effect of mastectomy.