Studies have indicated that smoking marijuana may not increase a person’s risk of lung cancer, but robust evidence is lacking.
A review of the results of the Pathways Heart Study, which sought to identify the link between a history of breast cancer treatment and cardiovascular risks in women.
Cancer patients have voiced concerns about a lack of masking at cancer centers and have reported being harassed for wearing masks in public.
A well-known cancer patient support organization offers tips on helping patients prepare for their return to the workforce.
Researchers sought to determine if immersive VR could provide holistic symptom relief in women with metastatic breast cancer and how long its effects last.
The agency has issued proposed draft recommendations to guide incorporation of cybersecurity protections into medical devices at the time of manufacture.
This overview of radiomics explains its potential for improving diagnosis, predictions of tumor response and recurrence, and patient prognosis.
Of more than 2500 trials analyzed, 21% were randomized.
This case illustrates how easy it is to jump over “the space between” your patient’s question and your response, and why a pause before answering is important.
Patients with certain cancers have an increased risk of cancer-specific mortality that persists for 30 to 35 years after diagnosis.